Course Number:3111400300
Course:Comprehensive Experiments for Communications
Credit(s):Two credits,36 hours
-Generally, the whole class will be divided into several groups. Each member of the group will work together during the course and select a hardware to complete the task.
-At the end of the course, each group should do a presentation to demonstrate their work, introduce the contributions of each member, illustrate the design processand so on.
-Alaboratory report of each group also needs to be submitted. There isn’t any fixed format, but it generally includes:
l Introduction of the responsibility of each member in your group
l Introduction of system architecture
l Hardware design process
l Software design process
l Flow charts of your program
l Figures which can demonstrate your product accomplished the function
l Photos that show your team work
And so on.
-The final score of each student depends on the contribution he/she made for the group, quality of the group work and laboratory report, quality of the final presentation and so on. The details of each criterion will be explained by the professor or TA.
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